P-06-1191 Abolish social distancing measures at all Welsh weddings this Summer following July 15th 2021


This petition was submitted by Owain Evans, having collected a total of 809 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Weddings are significant life events for many couples who are looking to begin their family lives. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, many couples have had to postpone their wedding plans several times as they do not want to lose the weddings of their dreams. This has subsequently put many lives on hold and has significantly impacted the mental health of thousands.


Could wedding guests provide negative test results, or evidence of two vaccinations in order to attend unrestricted weddings?


Additional Information:

As of 16.06.21 NHS Wales gave 88.2% of all Welsh adults a first Covid-19 vaccine, with 57.6% of adults receiving both doses. During the previous 7 days, NHS Wales had double vaccinated 4.6% of all adults. Using this as a trajectory, at least 76% of Welsh adults would receive both doses of a vaccine by July 15th. Furthermore, rollout of second doses has accelerated over recent days with 2.7% of adults receiving their second doses in the previous 3 days. This could potentially accelerate further as all adults in Wales have currently been offered their first vaccinations, allowing surplus vaccines.


With a potential figure of 76% of Welsh adults having received both vaccinations by July 15th, why should social distancing measures continue at Weddings? Especially, when all attendees would be willing to take lateral flow tests and could be easily tracked and traced if required.


All figures have been referenced from: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinations


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Cardiff West

·         South Wales Central